Chili-Kultur Projekt

Chili-Kultur Projekt

Chili-Kultur Projekt

Chili-Kultur Projekt

7 Most Important eBook Features that Publishers should integrate

According to a report published by Statista, the Ebook market currently stands at $15,740 million and it is projected to grow at a rate of 4.2 percent annually in the year 2020-2024 to assume a market share of $18,533 million by 2024. We can attribute this radical growth to the use of diverse interactive features that modern Ebooks come equipped with and the level of interactions and engagement they generate. Needless toer mention, traditional print media are no match to the modern Ebooks. Publishers have started using sophisticated technologies to create interactive and innovative Ebook features that would allow them to deliver pleasant experiences to the target audience.


In this article, we have discussed about 7 most important features that beautify Ebooks and make them more appealing to readers.

1. Cover and Title

Books are judged by their covers. This is a plain, simple truth that publishers and self-published authors should take into account. Research indicates that a user takes not more than 50 milliseconds to develop a perception about your book in his/her subconscious mind based on its visual appearance. So if you are a publisher, you should ideally take less than 50 milliseconds to understand if the cover page design is relevant to the content and if it can grab the attention of the readers at first glance. The first impression creates the last impression and so you should make sure that you create a big impact in the first instance. Secondly, the title of the Ebook gives it its identity. So the title should be notable and people should be able to remember it easily. Choose titles that suggest actions and convey the meaning of your content with better clarity. You may also use numbers in the title. Numbers invite more attention compared to generalized titles. For example, “5 tips to streamline your supply chain operations” is more definite and attractive than “How to streamline your supply chain operations”. If you do not have in-house staff to design the cover page, you may consider hiring a professional company for book cover design to handle this task on your behalf.

7 Most Important eBook Features that Publishers should integrate
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