Chili-Kultur Projekt

Chili-Kultur Projekt

Be Goals, Do Goals

Are you a finisher? Do you love the feel of completing a task and checking it off your list? Goal completion is a strong human motivator. Yet, writing significant goals that have a positive impact on the work environment can be tough. Here’s a framework to consider the next time you begin to draft goals.

Goals fall into two categories: “be” goals and “do” goals.

“Be” goals are goals that define an expectation for how the employee is to act. Goals that a how we want the employee to “be” are behavioral. Examples of “be” goals include:

· Provide helpful customer service to each citizen who comes to the

· Arrive to work by 8:00 a.m. each morning.

· Wear your personal protective equipment at all times on the jobsite.

Because “be” goals describe how you want the person to behave, they are on-going and often very difficult to measure. When you describe how you expect an employee to perform the work the outcome is often a general description of your expectations. “Be” goals are usually expressed in your policies, procedures, and other documentation. Generally “be” goals apply to anyone in the job, rather than to a specific individual. As a result, they are usually not very exciting.

Instead of developing “be” goals, focus on writing “do” goals. “Do” goals define specific outcomes and are easily measured. “Do” goals are observable and establish a clear path for the employee to follow. Examp

Be Goals, Do Goals
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